Recovery Solutions br>
South Carolina Sexually Violent Predator Treatment Program
Bridgewater State
Columbia Regional
Care Center
Florida Civil
Commitment Center
Kern County AES
Maple Lane Competency
Restoration Program
Massachusetts Alcohol and Substance Abuse Center (MASAC)
Montgomery County Mental
Health Treatment Facility
RISE Program at Arapahoe County Detention Center
RISE Program at Boulder County
South Carolina Sexually Violent Predator Treatment Program
South Florida Evaluation & Treatment Center
South Florida
State Hospital
Treasure Coast Forensic
Treatment Center
4546 Broad River Road
Columbia, SC 29210
Partner Agency
South Carolina Department of Mental Health
SCSVPTP’s Resident Handbook
Through a competitive solicitation process, the SC Department of Mental Health awarded Wellpath Recovery Solutions the contract to operate South Carolina’s Sexually Violent Predator Treatment Program in September 2016. Wellpath took over operations of the SC SVPTP in December 2016. A second construction contract was awarded to Wellpath to design and build a new state of the art replacement facility. The new facility opened in November 2018.
The SVPTP provides evidence-based, sex offender specific treatment programs using the Risk-Needs-Responsivity and Good Lives Model.
The SVPTP provides sex offender treatment to individuals civilly committed pursuant to Sexually Violent Predator Act (SVPA). In addition to evidence-based, sex offender specific treatment, SVPTP also provides comprehensive psychological, psychiatric, medical, dental, recreational, and educational services.
Significant Achievements:
- Interviewed, hired, and oriented 120+ new staff within 60 days of contract award
- Implemented the Wellpath Sex Offender Treatment Program model on day one of operations
- Designed and built a therapeutic, state-of-the-art, 268-bed replacement facility